Friday, June 3, 2016

NBNC > SBNY 2016: June 3

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous
It is the third day of June; a pleasant breeze with a backdrop of periwinkle blue for cloudless skies and a warming sun. The campground is quiet; most guests are still employed so the serenity of the day is like being soothed in nature’s cathedral.

(not my photo)
We have staked a few bird feeders on our campsite and this year, already, we have many guests. The Gold finch, a cute little guy, yellow bird with black markings, is quite the acrobat. Clinging to outcrops of stemmed weeds waiting patiently for its turn to munch on sunflower seeds. A vegan, the goldfinch is a popular state bird from east to west and these may be the guys who winter with us in New Bern.

(not my photo)
And then the boisterous red-winged blackbird comes along and disrupts the quiet repast of the finch. The blackbird grasps the feeder precariously for as long as it can to get some of the seed before is loses its balance. That’s okay though, since they are carnivores there are plenty of bugs for their feasting.

This morning a snapping turtle squirmed up the incline from the creek and has left her next generation near our picnic table. We will try to keep the scrounging varmints like the skunks and raccoons from raiding the nest. And we will patiently wait for August to come to see their little heads pop up from the sand.  This turtle has a massive head and its tail is long and spiked. She cooled off under the motor home for a bit before starting her return to the creek where she went under like a triton submarine.

(not my photo)
We are entertained nightly. Bullfrogs-the other white meat (common fare in the south, deep-fried frog legs resemble really, really tiny chicken drumsticks) populate the creeks. Here at the campground we hear the all-American bullfrog choir each evening. One bullfrog, affectionately named Freddie, leads his chorus, the Fredettes, in timbered song. 

Our blue feathered angler is a Juvenile great blue heron, who has homesteaded in a rookery a few sites from us. We have seen him/her once so far but he/she may be busy this time of year.

Lynn, Kathy, Grover, Scott, Debbie, John, Karen, Dave
The rest of ‘the Glampers’ return this evening; Scott and Debbie, Grover and Kathy, John and Lynn, and Wayne and Linda. Our group mingled the first year, united last year and coalesced this year. As the season progresses the weekends will be filled with good times, good food and more memories.

The upcoming weekend beginning the 10th our daughter, Carol, her hubby, Eric, and our grandboyz, Alex and Kyle will be visiting for two weeks. Looking forward to the time together and looking forward to sharing with you….


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