Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Aug 8 2012: Asheville, Bear Creek Campground

The mountains greeted us with cool temperatures in the mid-70s, robin's egg blue skies and a slight breeze. After some hemming n' hawwing (I think we have been in the mountains too long! LOL) we decided to stay at our campsite and relax. That sounds like an oxymoron - to take a day off to relax - but we are enjoying the breeze, the sunlight filtering through the trees and will be enjoying a picnic lunch under our canopy and then grilling chicken and having fresh veggies from the farmer's market. Today we will be adding overviews and photos of other trips we have made this past year. Does not seem possible that we have had our motorhome for a year this month.  We are enjoying every mile with a smile!

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