March 26, 2014
The motorhome is stowed, farewells to the Brown’s and
Florida as we begin our travel homeward at 4:45 o’dark hundred on this chilly Wednesday
morning. An hour later we are traveling past Orlando seeing the muted headlights of commuter traffic
coming toward us as they venture to their places of employment at this early
hour. Somewhat guiltily, but not too much, we are glad we are retired and not
finding ourselves in the snaggles of going-to-work traffic.
As we neared
Jacksonville first light was just greeting us. The start of a new day began
with shades of rose pinks on the horizon and in a few moments the sun was
greeting us for the day. Regretfully, we watched the blue skies and sunshine of
Florida in our rearview mirrors as we crossed the Florida-Georgia state line at
9:30. Compared to our journey southbound
in December, today’s crossing through Georgia quickly passed by in ninety
our respite we observed New Year’s Eve and Day, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day,
St. Patrick’s Day, and observed also National Tortilla Chip Day during happy hour,
National Goof Off Day when we had absolutely
nothing planned, and National Take a Walk in the Park Day at Biscayne Bay.
begin our countdown of 259 days until we begin our next trek to Florida and
stake our levelers in Florida City and create new camping memories. In the
meantime, stay tuned-we will be packing up and gearing toward Syracuse in May to
visit family and friends. Thanx for keeping up with us as we travel the highways and byways, the
main streets and side streets of our beautiful country.
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