Red Wolf |
Bobcat |
Grey Wolves |
Grey Wolf |
Biltmore Butterfly |
After spending Friday as veggie (no vegan!) day, we spent today visiting the Western Nature Center and our second day on the White Trolley Tour. The Nature Center is specific to the animals and plants of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. We were greeted by some humoungous snakes (enclosed in their own glassed-in environments), some cool looking turtles and frogs, and then followed a pathway outdoors to fenced-in enclosures of fox, wolves, cougars, bobcats, deer, black bears and some barn animals. Most of the animals seemed to be in their nap time mode so they were not very ambitious when we pssst at them, but one of the cougars decided to give us a floor show and climbed one of the trees and posed for a photo shoot. After getting our taste of mountain animals and birds we returned to Luella's for another taste of great barbeque. Our day concluded at the Asheville Visitor Center to climb aboard the White Trolley for our second day of touring Asheville. It was the same route as our first day, but we had a different tour guide, who was very informative and had a great sense of humor. We returned to camp after drooling over some estates in the Biltmore Forest.
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