Have just come across our travel notes of our first motor home
trip from New Bern NC to central Florida. Herewith, a 'readers digest condensed
version' of our journey.

February 5: Super Bowl Sunday- NY Giants vs. NE Patriots: After a
day of scouting the flea markets we settled back and cheered on the Giants win
over the Pats 21-17 and knotched on meatballs, cheese sticks, nachos and pigs n
a blanket.
February 8-11: We got up with the ghost crabs to get ready for the
trip to Titusville. After difficulties with the kitchen slide we got on our
way. As we approached the Georgia state line the weather neared the low 70s. We
arrived at Titusville KOA in Mims FL onto site 31. Not overly impressed with
the KOA; seems to need attention on aesthetics. Sites are small and close.
Parking is limited on the site; laundry facilities are old. During our stay in
Mims we discovered Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Merritt Island. We dined at
Milliken’s Reef with Gerri and Ron Butler and at a happy hour by ourselves.
February 15-17: We traveled just a few miles down the road to
Kissimmee KOA so that we could visit with the Hoxie’s. We had a wonderful visit with Judi and Dave
and renewed memories.
February 17-28: We drove to Rainbow Campground in Frostproof to
set up on site 272. We spent time with The Brown’s and Stephen’s and learned to
play bocce ball and shuffle board.

On March 15 we took the motor home to Plemmons in Raleigh for
extensive service and repairs.